Tuesday 18 October 2016

The Girl on the train Analysis of Formalistic conventions.

The girl on train depicts a women who was kidnapped at a certain time on a certain day, the trailer starts off with a quote from the supporting character and which later we find out his been kidnapped and killed,  the use of slow music to the point of the use of inter-titles, "4:36pm" and "A week ago" to describe the situation of the missing person, Megan and give the audience to understand what the rest of the trailer will be a about and a hint of what characters are involved and how the situation will gradually escalate with is the film also starts off with the use of accolades at the top and says "based on a thriller that shocked the world" with the title.

The use of the Music which increases after the linear editing at the beginning of the trailer which gives the audience a taste of what is about is changed halfway through the trailer as the use of non linear editing in conjunction with the fast and increased tempo of music is used to describe the situation the the trailer showing bit of the main characters in different situations to increase tension throughout this montage though we see the dialogue change to one liners and the character, such as the the Ex-husband of Rachel and Rachel herself did not have direct conversation but once dialogue is exchanged by one character the scene changes to another however the police women and Rachel did have a conversation which may show that this one liner type conversations in dialogue is not always true. 

The cliff hanger at the end with the main character saying "I'm afraid of myself" which leave the audience wondering why she is afraid of herself? who is she talking too? and why is she talking to the person? in addition, in this trailer the use of voiceover were not present. 

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