Saturday 1 October 2016

Film Magazine cover Analysis.

The masthead for the “Empire” magazine is the biggest and brightest piece of text on the magazine because it stands out and draws attention to the reader or film enthusiasts  wanting to buy a magazine, the masthead also acts as a logo and a branding to the magazine as it is internationally based so the way the masthead is presented allows it to be recognised by everyone.

The website under the masthead is important especially for film lovers because  they are most likely go online and look beyond the film magazine and look for exclusive news and new film release and many more. The use of social media such as twitter or the Instagram of Empire  also is aimed at ages 16-25, to get them more engaged into the magazine as well as selling the film.
The use of the barcode makes it obviously that this is not a free magazine, the way the barcode is positioned does not get in the way of the main image and does not steal the focus of the target audience.
The use of the tagline “world’s biggest movie magazine” attracts readers as it guarantees high quality and states the popularity of the magazine.

The date and price is in a small text near the masthead. The price is shown in a small text because the central image attracts the audience before they find out how much it costs. The price is £3.99 which is quite expensive for a magazine. Also, the date shown is January 2009 which indicates that it is a monthly magazine as it has no specific date of the publication mentioned.
This could also be the reason as to why the magazine is more expensive because the company only publish the magazine every month. The date helps the audience keep up to date with the magazine. 

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