Saturday 1 October 2016

Film Magazine analysis 2

This issue of total film, the title is partly  covered. However, the logo has its own identity, in the same way, a film title can have its own identity. The FILM title is often positioned relevant to the film being featured. For example in this SKYFALL issue. The title has been positioned neatly at the top of the magazine with the whole ‘L’ covered. This could be conveyed through the image and therefore giving the issue of the magazine a more sophisticated  look.

A Variation  in text colours and textures make the magazine cover and text itself more effective for giving off meaning and makes it more interesting to look at. The SKYFALL has used a metal looking font on it. This creates and portrays the main image of James bond as the masculine and hard type, reflecting his character in the film. The colour scheme of this issue is very distinctive and has an overpowering colour of yellow, maybe to highlight more important  things in the magazine also so that the magazine seems more Aesthetically pleasing.

Each issue of Total Film magazine features a newly released film to use on the front cover. A lot of layers are built up in the cover, often with a backdrop as the background, the FILM title above that and a character or feature from the film are on the top layer. This is the layer that appears most  in our face. We automatically recognise the movie being featured on the cover. This works well when selling the magazine. Total Film also previews news about big movies to appeal to all audiences, informing the issue contains more than just the featured movie “The hobbit”. This promotes sales for fans of the smaller print movies. 

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