Tuesday 13 September 2016

Film website research.

Justice league(2017): http://www.justiceleaguethemovie.com/

The Modern marketing techniques of the justice league have come in various ways through social media and official websites which are designed to complement the 'look' of a marketing campaign.
In this case, the initial design of Justice league's official website consists of a simplistic design and very integrated with the film allowing it to look a certain way.
For example, the dark background allowed the boldness of silver coloured title to stand out and thus begin visual pleasing and eye catching to the audience of the website also the countdown feature when entering the website shows that the website is going to be fairly interactive as well as showing of logos which identified each of the many characters within the movie.

The website is very distinguishable because it has gone against the conventions of a normal website with a white background allowing it to seem unusual and more appealing to the audience as something new and different. Also, the display shown shows the audience the genre of the film instantly. The franchise has also integrated the use of social media on the website at the bottom right to allow the audience/fans to stay connected and updated everywhere they go For example, Through Instagram, they are able to view the latest that goes on and also receive snippets of the movie.

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