Sunday 1 January 2017

Film Magazine Drafts and analysis.

 These are 2 Film Magazine draftings that I have constructed with different elements that I like and I don't like thus examining them, I was able to pick out features that I could use in my final film magazine front cover. 

Starting with the masthead, the first magazine front cover, I had created a slit through the word faded however after deliberating on the masthead, I realised that I just wanted that normal version of the text that stayed at the back of the image. 

Also, the Words underneath the masthead, I was definitely going to use for the final Product.

 In my other magazine front cover the barcode, in my opinion, was flat and did not look like it fit in the magazine, therefore, I placed the barcode on the right lower end of the magazine coupled with small texts of both the date and price of the film magazine. 

In terms of the title of the magazine, I kept it the same throughout. 

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