Sunday 27 November 2016

Masthead Font Research

After doing further film magazine research, I concluded that Masthead fonts are quite similar to a certain extent because each magazine is trying to cement their name in the audience's mind; in an attempt to secure future purchases. Most magazines do this by displaying a considerably bold font in a large size that is usually in front of the Main image or hidden at the back of the main image. 
 Therefore, I've chosen these fonts as they all have a large bold visual impact and this is essential for a Masthead. The fonts are not all alike so, it was easier to come to a final decision, but after liaising with my production team and taking feedback, I've decided to go with the second font at the top of the page. It is very bold so it can capture the audience's attention, but at the same time, it is quite a simple font so that image/model can be more overpowering on the magazine cover. 

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